
Couples Ministry

The Couples Ministry of Saint James Baptist Church is ministry designed to enrich marital relationships between couples of the church. The ministry meets its objective through workshops, recreational activities, service projects, travel and dining out for special occasions.

This ministry welcomes new members at any time at a monthly meeting, the fourth Saturday of each month.

Pastor and Mrs. Abrams

Deacons Ministry

The primary role of the Deacon's ministry is to faithfully serve the Lord and the church's members as an extended arm of the Pastor and assist in administering the ordinances, visiting the sick, aged and distressed members, and aid in all spiritual affairs of the Church.

Deacon George Hampton

Deaconess Ministry

The Deaconesses prepare and served the elements for the Church's Communion Sunday.

Mrs. Gwen Hampton

Intercessory Prayer Ministry

We are blessed to have an Intercessory Prayer Ministry, which prays biblically and strategically for our Church and others.

This ministry is open to all interested persons of all ages.

Ms. Faye A. Holland

Jubilee Choir

The Jubilee Choir is a cappella choir that furnishes praise and worship during our morning services. They use songs to praise God and to proclaim the words of the Gospel story. All interested members are welcome.

Mrs. Jeannie Adams, President

Musical Choir

The Musical Choir leads the worshipers in songs and contributes additional music as the church service requires. Songs are used to praise God and to proclaim the words of the Gospel story.

Ms. Jeannette Stroy, President

Pulpit Aide Club

The mission of the Pulpit Aide Ministry is to take care of the needs of our pastors and maintain upkeep of the pulpit.

Mrs. Jeannie Adams, President

Saint James Missionary Society

The Missionary Ministry is dedicated to ministering to the sick and caring for the well being of people in our church and community. Membership is open to all women of the church.

Mrs. Sallie E. Thomas, President

Sanctuary Choir

The Sanctuary Choir is compose of people who are willing to praise through songs without belonging to a formal choir. Any member who attends the monthly rehearsals is invited to sing.

Mrs. Bessie Sumter, Choir Director

Singles Ministry

The goal of the Singles Ministry is to discuss different aspects of being single and doing God's work. Our ministry reaches out to singles within the church and surrounding community.

Ms. Louise Anderson, President

Sunday School

The Sunday School offers classes each Sunday morning, prior to regular church service. Opportunities are provided for all people to be taught the word of God in different age groups. Lessons are taught in accordance with current literature and bible lessons.

Deacon Jesse Johnson, III

Trustees Ministry

The Trustee Ministry is responsible for the finances, interior and exterior maintenance of the church. They prepare and administer the church budget.

Ms. Cheryl T. Sumter

Youth Choir

The Youth Choir is grouping of youth from toddlers through teenage years who wish to sing the praises to the Lord! All youth are welcomed to attend rehearsals and sing during the church services.

Miss Kimberly Sumter, Choir Director

Youth Department

The Youth Department consist of youth of the church who are willing to participate in activities and church activities within the community. Youth sponsors accept and encourage participation by all youth.