Return to Church Guidelines

Church Building
Church Building
The first service is scheduled for Sunday, May 1, 2022, at 10:30 a.m., Sunday School is at 9:00 a.m. Note: No other pre-COVID 19 activities will resume until further notice;

>WORSHIP SERVICE: Taking into consideration the CDC/SC DHEC guidelines pertaining to social distancing, the initial plan is to accommodate up to 45 members in the church and educational building;

ONE service will be held each Sunday;

VIRTUAL SERVICES: To view service LIVE each Sunday, use the following: Services will be recorded and re-played the following Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on the church's website.

ENTRANCE TO SERVICE: Members will be required to sign in upon entry of the service. Entrance to each facility will be ONE WAY in and ONE WAY OUT;

SANTIZERS and MASKS: MASKS will be provided for members who may not have one, along with sanitizers. Know that the ALL facilities will be sanitized before and after each service;

SERVICE REGISTRATION: You MUST register in advance each week, if you wish to attend an in-person service. Register using the following criteria: Call the Church Office, (803) 776-1311, and leave a voice message in which you provide the following: (1) your name, (2) phone number, (3) total number of attendees, including children. The cutoff time is Wednesday of each week at midnight. It is IMPORTANT that you follow the established protocol so that we will be able to accommodate everyone;

THE VACCINES: Upon registering for service, advise if you have been FULLY VACCINATED. Everyone 5 years and older is eligible to get a free COVID-19 vaccination;

PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES: In accordance with the CDC guidelines, MASKS are required for each person attending. If you need a mask, indicate the total number when registering for church. NO MASK(s) required for those who are singing;

SOCIAL DISTANCING: An Usher will seat members upon entry; however, social distancing protocols will be followed, except for family members who may desire to sit together;

YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS: Upon ENTRANCE to service, please obtain a contribution envelope and at the conclusion of service, place it in the basket as you EXIT. Additionally, you may mail your contribution(s), give online at or at the CHURCH from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Noon; and,

THE READINGS: To participate in the reading of the scriptures, we encourage the use of mobile devices or personal bibles;